Stick Monkey

Played 75239 times.

85% (18/21)
Stick Monkey is an action-packed HTML5 game that follows the adventures of a cute little monkey on a quest for bananas. In this game, players must guide Stick Monkey through various levels by jumping, sliding, and dodging obstacles to collect bananas and avoid enemies. With its simple controls and cute graphics, Stick Monkey is a fun game suitable for all ages. The game also features power-ups that can help Stick Monkey navigate levels more easily, making it even more exciting to play. Are you ready to help Stick Monkey on his banana-filled adventure?

Mouse / Tap

1.Start the game by clicking on the "Play" button on the main menu screen.
2.Use the arrow keys to move Stick Monkey left or right and the up arrow key to jump.
3.Stick Monkey can also slide by pressing the down arrow key while running.
4.Your goal is to collect all the bananas in each level while avoiding obstacles and enemies.
5.The game features power-ups, such as the shield and the speed boost, which can help Stick Monkey avoid obstacles and enemies.
6.There are multiple levels to complete, each with its own challenges and obstacles.
7.Use the "Pause" button to pause the game or adjust the game's sound settings.

Remember, the key to winning in Stick Monkey is to be quick and nimble, collect as many bananas as possible, and avoid obstacles and enemies. Good luck, and have fun on your banana-filled adventure with Stick Monkey!


Action Adventure